20 June 2008

Kama Sutra on Hiatus

Hello my lovelies...
Yes, it's been far too long since I've made a digital peep; the good news is that my professional (analog) life has been kicked into overdrive, with much travel, new responsibilities and opportunities I'd be a fool to pass up on. The bad news is that, sadly, this leaves me precious little time for amenities like sleep, food or SL playtime. So, I've decided to call it an official hiatus, as it doesn't look like I'll be slowing down anytime before the Autumn season.
Taking this break as an opportunity to reorganize, I'm selling the Kama Sutra Institute land (Zaitsev, mainland, 4608 m); please feel free to contact me if you're interested. I'd like to thank my many gracious and loving friends who have supported me with a little plot of land to lay my digital head in the meantime, and all those who have offered of themselves and their time to make things manageable during this time--I do love you all immensely. My apologies to those who were getting involved with the KSI and KSC; I do promise to reopen the Institute and the clothing line, bigger and better, as soon as time allows. Incidentally, if you've purchased clothing from me and need any customer assistance, I'll always be available, just drop me a notecard in-world or send me an email.
Wishing you all the best pleasures in both worlds,