14 October 2008

Alas, alack

Ah, my lovelies...the autumn is quickly waning, and here I am stuck in the office again. Such is the way of the RealLife™: it looks as though I'll not have the time for anything but an occasional guest appearance in SL for the next few months, owing to work and travel. In the few seconds' free time I'm allotted bi-monthly for myself I'll try to finish up some of the jewellery and clothing designs I've put on the backburner.

In the meantime, the Kama Sutra Institute is still standing, and I would welcome all of amorous bent to feel free to come and chill with that special friend (or friends). THe upstairs living room has a nicely uncomplicated seating area, Badmoon's truth or Dare, and a steming-hot pot of Egyptian coffee. I've equipped the playroom with Akaesha's Kama Sutra rug, as well as Chavo Raven's Kama Sutra and Taoist sex poses and Lover's Playground's Xcite-enabled, top-of-the-line bed. In other words, if you get bored with all 4000+ poses, then SLsex might not be the fix you need. Don't forget to leave a generous tip if you enjoy the facilities, it helps pay for all that cartoon lovin!

All the best,

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